CrimeBloc - Game Rules

  1. Casino & Bullet Factory Ownership
    1. A player may hold one (1) Bullet Factory, and up to two (2) Casinos.
    2. The holder of any property is considered the owner.
    3. Not to place any property in Escrow in order to protect it from being won or killed for by another account.
    4. Any additional Casinos held past the two (2) Casino limit must be kept at a max bet of $100.
      If you come into possession of a property which places you in beach of these rules, you have 4 hours to sell it. If you cannot rectify your ownership, a staff member will remove your ownership of the casino without warning; dropping it at random.

      If you are holding more than the two (2) Casino limit, and the additional Casinos are at a higher max bet than $100. The staff will instantly remove your additional Casino for breaching this rule.

  2. Crew Property Ownership
    1. There are no limits imposed on how many Bullet Factories a Crew may hold, but the provisions of Section 1 must not be violated.
    2. The holder of the Steel Factory may also be a holder of a Bullet Factory.
    3. No limitations are imposed on the number of Steel Factories, Airports and Gun Stores a Crew may hold.
    4. No limitations are imposed on the number of cities any one crew controls via Crew Turf.
  3. Sharing IP addresses
    1. Not to transfer money and/or credits, including via National Bank, Crew Bank, Bank Vault and via third parties (i.e. "middlemen").
    2. Not to participate in the same killing "spree".
    3. You are allowed to be in the same Crew.
    4. It is forbidden to log in to another Account other than your own.
    5. If there is any suspicion that the Staff team believe you are duping. Proof will be required.
      1. Proof can be a video of you playing the game. And the other members of your house hold playing the game.
      2. Proof can be each player purchasing a small amount of credits to prove they are separate people.
  4. Shooting & Murder
    1. If you kill other players, you will be subject to a "Dupe Check" to check the legitimacy of the killing.
    2. Game Staff have the right to revive any Account that you kill if the kill was found to be an illegal kill. No prior notice or reason will be given.
    3. If the kill is found to be illegitimate, your Account may be permanently suspended. No refund on any "Virtual item" will be given.
    4. Revived Accounts have no right to reclaim any item lost as a result of the Account being killed. This includes spent credits, money, experience and bullets.
    5. If you have proof of a dupe kill, please send it to the Help Desk.
    6. Safety shooting is not allowed.
      1. This is defined as an Account shooting another Account in order to preserve the life and/or protection of that Account and/or properties it may hold, with no intention of killing the account.
      2. This can also be defined as using a low rank to shoot someone to use up their bodyguard. To then shoot with a higher rank. Rendering the bodyguards useless.
    7. If you continuously shoot a large portion of the game, thus ruining the game for everyone apart from yourself. Murder will be temporarily disabled for you.
  5. Revives
    1. If a revive is required. Your new account will be Mod Killed, and your old account will be revived.
    2. You can D2A from your new to your old account.
    3. Any extra items, such as experience will not be transferred.
  6. Forum/Inbox/Discord
    1. Do not harass any players.
    2. Excessive swearing will result in a mute.
    3. Racism, sexism, homophonic, and transphobic comments will result in a ban.
    4. You have the right to give feedback, but keep it civil and respectful.
    5. Spamming, or bumping topics will result in a mute. Bumping Organized Crime and Crew Recruitment topics is allowed.
  7. Toxicity
    1. Only the User affected by an abusive user can report the user. Any other people reporting a user will be ignored.
    2. Toxicity about the game, and or staff will not be tolerated.
  8. Bug Exploitation
    1. Exploiting bugs will result in a ban.
      1. A bug is something that is clearly not intended to be part of the game. If you are unsure, ask via the Help Desk.
    2. If you are aware of a bug, you must report it. If unreported and found that you withheld this information, you will be banned.
    3. If a bug is reported, a reward may be given. Depending on the severity of the bug.
      1. If a reward is given, you are not to discuss with anyone else what the reward is. If you do, the reward will be removed from your account.
  9. VPN
    1. Using a VPN to bypass a ban, or a region locked ban will result in you being banned again.
    2. Using a VPN to use more than one account is still considered duping. Both accounts will be banned.
  10. Civilian and Regular account
    1. Users are allowed to have 1 (one) Civilian account, and 1 (one) Regular account. Going over this limit, will result in a ban.
  11. Credit Roll Over
    1. 20% of all purchases within a round are eligible to transfer into the next round. The credit purchases transferred will receive credits equal to the latest round's credit pricing rate (in other words, 20% of the purchase cost will be transferred and not the credit amount); special offers, bonus offers, or purchase discounts cannot be transferred across rounds.
  12. Miscellaneous
    1. Not everything will always be covered in these rules. However the Staff maintain the right to Ban, mute, or timeout any user who might fall in to a grey area.